Section & Board of Paediatric Surgery of the Union of European Medical Specialists

Approval of CME events

Approval of CME events


4. Approval of CME events


4.1. Approval requirements

4.1.1. External formally planned CME

CME activities which will require beforehand formal approval are those listed in External formally planned CME (§ 1.3.). In order to qualify for CME approval an event should:

Be aimed at a defined target group(s);

Set out clear and relevant objectives;

Include a mechanism for evaluation - so that the organisers and presenters can obtain feedback on the relevance, quality and effectiveness of the activity;

Have an appropriate programme - which reflects the needs of the intended participants;

Reflect a broad consensus of current expert opinion;

Neither to be biased nor to be overtly promotional where there is a commercial sponsor;

Have a nominated organiser who will keep records of attendance and evaluation; Have a nominated organiser who will keep records of attendance and evaluation;

Meet the criteria for international accreditation of CME (D9908) in order to be recognised as Ext - 1 CME activity (EACCME registered formally planned interactive CME).

4.1.2. Internal CME

Internal CME activities (hospital-based CME activities) do not require formal approval unless they are aiming mainly at surgeons outside the hospital thus being regarded as Ext - 3 CME activities (Courses, Meetings, Seminars). The Board however expects such activities to be of good quality and well monitored. It is also envisaged that local mechanisms should be set in place to monitor local activities.


4.2. Application procedure for approval of CME events


The main Authorities for the accreditation of providers of external formally planned CME and for the awarding of CME credits are the National Authorities designated for this purpose. The Board can assume these functions if no national professional CME Authority exists.


If international participation is desired and if European credits are to be awarded, the provider of an external formally planned CME activity applies both to the National Authority and to the EACCME according to the relevant procedures (D9907-D9908). Once the CME activity is reported to the EACCME, the EACCME grants the European registration of this CME activity and communicates it to the appropriate national and other professional authorities.

Details on the procedure as well as Request form can be found at the EACCME Section in the UEMS website.


If an event is approved someone from the approving body may ask to attend. In the case of distance learning programmes the organiser may be called upon to show the programme materials to the approving body. After a CME approved event has taken place, the organiser would be expected to retain a list of participants and a copy of the completed event evaluation for 2 years and to make these documents available to the Board and the Association if required.


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